
On this page I will go a little deeper into our total family.

Now to talk a little about my boys.
This is an old picture of me and my two sons, Bobby & Doug. About 25  years ago.

This is Doug (number two son) his boys (Drew & Luke)and me. A few years ago when I went to visit them in Oregon.


This next pictures are of Doug and his son, Luke (my grandson) when they came to visit me the summer of 2022.


This next picture is of Danny(our youngest grandson who was the only grandchild still in his teens) with my wife, Jeanine.

This next picture is Jack Williamson, Mark, Danny and Isabel.


The pictures above shows Two our four wonderful Grandsons.
Next we have a picture of Doug, Luke, Jeanine and me during there visit here to Georgia in July 2024.
Click on this link to go to the picture.


Now for a change of pace, how about clicking here and going to my Blog